
  • 鬼頭美江・佐藤剛介 (2017). 『夫婦関係満足感に与える自尊心の影響-夫婦データを用いたAPIMによる検討-』 実験社会心理学研究(特集号), 56, pp. 187-194. DOI: 10.2130/jjesp.si3-3

  • Kito, M., Yuki, M., & Thomson, R. (2017). "Relational mobility and close relationships: A socioecological approach to explain cross-cultural differences", Personal Relationships, 24, pp. 114-130.  DOI: 10.1111/pere.12174

  • Kito, M. (2016). "Shared and unique prototype features of relationship quality concepts", Personal Relationships, 23, pp. 759-786. DOI: 10.1111/pere.12156

  • 山田順子・鬼頭美江・結城雅樹 (2015). 『友人・恋愛関係における関係流動性と親密性―日加比較による検討―』 実験社会心理学研究, 55, pp. 1827. DOI: 10.2130/jjesp.1409
  • Morry, M. M., Kito, M., & Dunphy, L. (2014). “ How do I see you? Partner-enhancement in dating couples”, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science46, pp. 356-365. DOI: 10.1037/a0033167
  • Morry, M. M., Hall, A., Mann, S., & Kito, M. (2014). “A longitudinal investigation of the friendship model of relational interdependent self-construal”, Journal of Social Psychology154, pp. 401-422. DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2014.914883


  • Morry, M. M., Kito, M., Mann, S., & Hill, L. (2013). “Relational- interdependent self-construal: Perceptions of friends and friendship quality”, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships30, pp. 44 – 63.


  • Strauss, C., Morry, M. M., & Kito, M. (2012). “Attachment styles and relationship quality: Actual, perceived, and ideal partner matching”, Personal Relationships19, pp. 14 – 36.


  • Morry, M. M., Kito, M., Ortiz, L. (2011). “The Attraction- Similarity Model and dating couples: Projection, perceived similarity, and psychological benefits”, Personal Relationships18, pp. 125-143.


  • Morry, M. M., Reich, T., & Kito, M. (2010). “Relationship quality as a predictor of self- and partner-enhancement within cross-sex friendships, dating relationships, and marriages”, Journal of Social Psychology150, pp. 369-392.


  • Morry, M. M., & Kito, M. (2009). “Relational- interdependent self-construal as a predictor of same-sex and cross-sex friendship functions and qualities: The mediating roles of own and perceived friend’s behaviors”, Journal of Social Psychology149, pp. 205-222.


  • Kito, M. (2005). “Self-disclosure in romantic relationships and friendships among American and Japanese college students”, Journal of Social Psychology, 145, pp. 127-140.




  • Kito, M. (2016.7). "Online dating is more positively evaluated in the U.S. than Japan: Relational mobility and general trust as explaining factors", International Association for Relationship Research (Toronto, Canada). 

  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2016.7). "Social support provision prevents friendship dissolution in high relational mobility societies" (presented in the symposium "New findings in relational mobility research: Making sense of cross-cultural variation in interpersonal relationships from a socio-ecological perspective"), International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (Nagoya, Japan).

  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2014.7). “Mate poaching experiences in a high relational mobility society: Cross-cultural study in Canada and Japan”, International Association for Relationship Research (Melbourne, Australia).
  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2013.8). “Canadians feel higher intimacy toward their romantic partner than Japanese: Relational mobility as an explanation for cultural differences”, Asian Association of Social Psychology (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).


  • Kito, M. (2012.7). “Shared and unique prototype features of relationship quality concepts: How they predict romantic relationship evaluation and continuation”, International Association for Relationship Research (Chicago, IL).


  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2016.1). "Social support as a relationship-retention behavior in high relationally mobile societies: A cross-cultural study between Canada and Japan", Society for Personality and Social  Psychology (San Diego, CA). Copy of the Poster


  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2015.2). "Intimacy as an Adaptive Emotion under High Relational Mobility", Society for Personality and Social  Psychology (Long Beach, CA). Copy of the Poster
  • Kito, M., Yamada, J., & Yuki, M. (2013.6). “High intimacy in high relational mobility societies: A socio-ecological approach”, International Association for Cross-Cultural Research Regional Conference (Los Angels, CA).


  • Kito, M. (2011.1). “What’s important for romantic relationship functioning? Overlapping and unique prototype features of relationship quality concepts”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Antonio, TX).


  • Kito, M., Morry, M. M., Hill, L., & Suen, V. (2010.1). “Relational- interdependence self-construal and friendship quality: The role of relationship- serving behaviors and need fulfillment”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Las Vegas, NV).


  • Kito, M., & Morry, M. M. (2009.2). “Predicting emotions and relationship satisfaction from current, ideal, and ought levels of equity”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Tampa, FL.).


  • Kito, M. &Morry, M. M. (2008.7). “Predicting relationship satisfaction among Caucasians and Asians: Equity and attachment perspectives”, International Association for Relationship Research Conference (Providence, RI).


  • Kito, M., Morry, M. M., & Reich, T. (2007.1). “The Attraction- Similarity Model in dating relationships: Satisfaction, perceived similarity, and psychological benefits”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Memphis, TN).


  • Kito, M., & Morry, M. M. (2006.7). “Attachment Theory and Equity Theory in predicting relationship satisfaction: Mediation analyses and tests of a proposed integrated model”, International Association for Relationship Research Conference (Rethymno, Crete, Greece).
  • Kito, M., Morry, M. M., Stevens, K., & Marchylo, A. (2005.1). “A test of the Attraction- Similarity Model in dating couples: The psychological and health benefits”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (New Orleans, LA).




  • 鬼頭美江・佐藤剛介 (2015.9). 「相互依存性を検証する手段としてのAPIM:実証データを用いて」(ワークショップにおける話題提供)日本心理学会第79回大会(於名古屋国際会議場) 

  • 鬼頭美江・山田順子・結城雅樹 (2014.9). 「適応心理過程としての親密性:高関係流動性社会における親密性と関係維持行動」日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第61回大会(於東洋大学)


  • 鬼頭美江・山田順子・結城雅樹 (2013.11). 「関係流動性が恋愛関係に与える影響:社会生態学的アプローチの観点から」(ワークショップにおける話題提供)日本社会心理学会第55回大会(於沖縄国際大学)


  • 鬼頭美江 (2012.11). 「良好な恋愛関係の寄与要因に関する「信念と実際」の乖離の検討」日本社会心理学会第54回大会(於つくば国際会議場)


  • Kito, M.Morry, M. M., & Fehr, B. (2010.6). “Satisfied and dissatisfied in your relationship? Prototypes of relationship satisfaction and dissatisfaction”, Canadian Psychological Association (Winnipeg, MB). 


  • Kito, M. (2006.6). “Equity as a predictor of relationship satisfaction: Moderating effects of exchange and communal orientations”, Canadian Psychological Association (Calgary, AB).
  • Kito, M., Hoeppner, L., & Morry, M. M. (2004.6). “Ending a same-sex friendship: Not all problems end in dissolution”, Canadian Psychological Association (St. John’s, NF).



  • 鬼頭美江 (2016.9). 「『恋人・結婚相手探しの場』としてのインターネット-利用者に対する評価についての日米比較研究-」日本社会心理学会第57回大会(於関西学院大学) 

  • 鬼頭美江・山田順子・結城雅樹 (2015.10). 「高関係流動性社会における関係維持戦略としてのソーシャルサポート:日加比較研究」日本社会心理学会第56回大会(於東京女子大学)


  • 鬼頭美江・山田順子・結城雅樹 (2014.7). 「恋人をめぐる略奪と競争:恋愛競争性に関する日加比較研究」日本社会心理学会第55回大会(於北海道大学)


  • Kito, M. (2010.6). “Prototype of relationship quality concepts: The overlap across concepts”, Social and Personality Preconference for Canadian Psychological Association (Winnipeg, MB).
  • 鬼頭美江 (2009.8). 「プロトタイプによるRelationship Satisfactionの定義」日本心理学会第73回大会(於京都大学)


  • Kito, M., & Morry, M. M. (2007.6). “Equity manipulation and perceived relationship quality in hypothetical scenarios”, Canadian Psychological Association (Ottawa, ON).


  • Kito, M., Morry, M. M., & Martens, L. (2005.6). “Relational-interdependent self-construal and friendship quality: The mediating roles of own and perceived friend’s behaviors”, Canadian Psychological Association (Montreal, QC).


  • Kito, M. (2003.5). “Self-disclosure in romantic relationships and friendships among American and Japanese college students”, Western Psychological Association (Vancouver, BC).